Why Change School Food?

Our children’s lives – now and in the future, are literally at stake. Healthy children are in school, able to focus, ready to learn. They grow up to be healthy adults.

How does school food work?

Budgets. Reimbursements. Regulations.  USDA Foods. The food industry. Too many choices. Food waste. Hungry children. Short meal periods.

Our Programs

Our New York City and Ithaca partnerships change many lives. They are also learning laboratories that help us help schools across the country.

Success Stories

Many groups and individuals are working to get more plant-based foods in schools. We have been helping to create and inspire change for 16 years!


Read our blog, which includes guest editors – experts in the field from around the country.


News that’s fit to share. Ours and others.

Coming soon!

The Truth About Food & Disease-Proof Your Family

There is much confusion about food. That’s a job the processed and animal food industries do quite well: confuse the consumer.

But actually, science couldn’t be more clear. The scientific consensus is that the closer we move toward a plant-based diet and away from a processed and animal-based diet, the healthier we’ll be.

It doesn’t depend on our blood type, unrefined carbohydrates are not bad, and animal products do significantly contribute to the diseases that are killing so many in wealthier nations.

To learn more about these topics, we highly recommend Toxic Sludge is Good for You: Lies, Damn Lies, and the Public Relations Industry, by John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton; and Salt, Sugar, Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us, by Michael Moss; and The China Study, by T. Colin Campbell, PhD, and Thomas Campbell, MD.

Contact Us

Please reach out to use if you’d like more information.